How Long Should a Blog Post Be? [Infographic]

How Long Should a Blog Post Be? [Infographic]

When you have an idea for a post, it’s easy to feel like you need to just jump in and see where it goes. But what happens when you run out of steam? Is it done? Maybe. But probably not. Before typing a single word of your next blog post, you should have a rough idea...
How I Tripled My Weekly Writing Output

How I Tripled My Weekly Writing Output

A year ago, I would’ve said that 10,000 words per week wasn’t possible for me. As a marketing copywriter averaging 3,000 words a week, I thought I was hovering near my limit. I had no idea what I was capable of. But over this last year I’ve made some big changes to...
HubSpot and Marketo Blogs: a Side-by-Side Teardown

HubSpot and Marketo Blogs: a Side-by-Side Teardown

When it comes to content marketing, these companies need no introduction. They’re not just great tools. HubSpot and Marketo are established resources to the marketing world. They’re successful companies, too. HubSpot rounded out 2017 on track to make $370 million in...
What Is Growth Marketing?

What Is Growth Marketing?

Every organization wants a bigger audience and a stronger customer base. But consistent growth doesn’t just happen. Good ideas aren’t lottery tickets, and marketing shouldn’t feel like playing a slot machine. Good ideas catch on when they’re supported by good...